Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I heard a son close the door
Took his feet to ground
No where now to be bound
Set his eyes on that dark, waiting shore

I saw him wrestle with thieves
Fell asleep under stars
That looked strangely like ours
Thought he was making a place were he could be free

I watched him gather up stones
Piled them up to the top
Made a fortress of rock
Told himself this looked somethin like home

I knew that look in his eyes
There were none who could keep
The fire of his feet
Or the stir of the heart under all of his guise.

I'll be here when he reaches the sea
Digs his toes in the sand
By the work of his hands
Made a lie of the man that he knew he could be

I waited till there was nothing but love
Told me he was cold
and ever so old
His cry made it's way to places above

I  heard a son come in from the shore
I smiled to his soul
And put love in his bones
And told him he'd always end up at my door

So this was a poem about someone I know who's still findin his way back to where he belongs. I know that no matter where he goes one day he'll end up back in God's arms. My heart has always been burdened for him and I'm praying that someday I'll see him come back home. God's waiting with love and grace and hope abundant, and so am I. 


Jaelle the Hopeful

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Random Facts About Me!

If you've ever wanted to know a bunch of random facts about me well here they are!

-Are you still a mystery if you call yourself one? Well I'm going to do it anyways, I consider myself a bit of a mystery. 
-I love old books, new books, I'll read anything except for a bad book.
-I can't stand breath and I mean that seriously. I have to have the window open in the car because I can't stand the idea that I'm breathing recycled air from other people's lungs.  
-I love old things.
-I'm a Lord of the RIngs and Star Wars dork.
-Navy has become a favorite color of mine.
-My favorite candy is Hot Tomales and Junior Mints.
-I want to get more invested in my photography. 
-A nice cold cream soda and sun can make me the happiest girl in the world.
-The smell of fresh cut grass and wet forests always bring me home. 
-I write poetry and hope to one day publish a book. 
-I still climb trees on occasion. 
-I want a dog so badly. This is the first time ever my family hasn't had one and I hate it. 
-I am the creator, or should I say inventor, of the molten muffin cookie. It's the best thing you'll ever have if you're one of those people who likes an undercooked cookie, trust me.
-I love baking, seriously love baking, seriously.
-When I get in the sun too much I get a bunch of freckles on my upper lip area and it looks like I have a mustache.
-The moon saved my life once. No joke.
-I love ridiculously corny puns, probably nothing can make me laugh more except for Ashley Marie McCuen, she's hilarious!
-My favorite movies include: The Oceans, The Bournes, The Notebook, Pride and Prejudice, Inception, Toy Story, Dark Knight, Garden State, Star Wars, LOTR, Notting Hill, Fools Rush In, Hot Rod (Yes!), Drop Dead Gorgeous, and more I'm sure to think of later.
-What do you call a guy with no arms and legs in a pool. Bob. hahahaha! I love those jokes too.
-I think for me friends come softly. Sometimes I have this fun, witty side but most of the time I feel like a clam and it's hard to get me open.
-I'm extremely loyal.
-I paint, and not very well.
-Sometimes I talk with a French accent but only with those I'm most comfortable with.
-My love language is giving gifts and sisterly punching and squeezing.
-Ooh I hear my mom watching Pride and Prejudice right now and I think I'll join her!

Well that's all for now.


Jaelle the not so mysterious anymore now that you've read all these facts about me.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So perhaps there's a bit of light and the end of this tunnel.

I looked into the sky last night and really saw the stars. It's a comfort to know that there's a light and beauty forever beyond the reach of any cloud. Just like I know there's a higher beauty and purpose waiting for me up beyond those shadows. I just need to look and reach.


Jaelle the Star Gazer

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

When Everything's Broke

Remember that post I wrote about victory? Well at tis moment I feel like it was such a sham to write it.

Just recently I made an enormous, unintentional mistake that's costing me a lot right now. I didn't realize how deep I was until this afternoon. It's like i've taken ten steps back into the person i used to be. I am shamed. I want nothing more then to go back in time and reset what was done. Warn myself that something terrible will happen if I don't open my eyes to what's going on. So here I am with a huge headache brought about by hours of crying and a heart so heavy and full it feels like it's going to burst out of my skin. It's one of those times when everything is broke. I just need Jesus. I need His blood to wash over my thoughtlessness and pride. I need a new mind, a new spirit a new being. I need to be who God intends me to be, not this silly, self-centered, childish girl! Jesus' blood is the only way. It's the only thing that keeps me standing and I plead it over everything I am! It's too bad that I'm having to go through this pain in order to see what my heart was really made of.

A word from proverbs comes to my mind right now. "Don't be like the mule who has to be taught by bit and bridle." Unfortunately this is what it's come to. I've been stubborn to change my ways like a mule is to revert from his path. Anyways I know that this time is already working powerful things in my heart. I feel broken, but the light is making it's way through the cracks. God is good.


Jaelle the Broken

Friday, July 2, 2010

I don't think there's much else I need to say.