"The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children of this earth as can one human being broken on the wheels of living... In love's service only wounded soldiers can serve." -Thornton Wilder
So I'm being convicted right now. I think I've misunderstood some of the things God has brought me through for a long time. Could it be that the hard things we bear as God's kids are to make us ready for service in His army of lovers. It is only those who have bore Hell on their backs and been miraculously released that can ever go back and carry souls out. Otherwise wouldn't we cringe at the thought when we see another human being going through the flames?
I have to admit sometimes when I notice that people are going through Hell instead of reaching into their world I cling desperately to the heaven I selfishly try and make of my own life. When I see homeless people on the street, no doubt those who have been through things I can't even imagine, it's too painful for me. I'm ashamed to say, most times I turn my back to avoid the gaze of someone whose life has been tormented by the heat of the Devil's fire. Why is that?
Maybe i need an awakening and maybe God knows exactly how to do that by bringing hard things into my life that require me running to the feet of God and remembering His love for me. That way when I look at that man on the street who's forgotten what it feels like to have a hot shower and I can remember how God has carried me out of my own Hell and know, with faith, that God can do the same for him! I can't cringe and look away anymore because I've had a revelation about how big and awesome my God is. That's what hard things do, they bring us to the reality of God's immense, overwhelming strength, a reality we can pass on to other, weak and battered human beings. We become better prepared for service in God's army of wounded soldiers. So maybe next time God puts something in my path that requires a bit of trust and dose of weakness I'll embrace it whole heartedly knowing that there might be another life saved at the end of it that isn't my own.
I know that this isn't always the case when God brings me through hard things. Smetimes I just need to learn a good lesson or be tested and tried. God's purpose remains though, its never about me but about the power of God being released more fully on earth. Nothing can remain in me that keeps that from happening. God has good works prepared for me (Eph 2:10) and He ntendw to have them fulfilled :) Isn't God cool! I cant believe He would actually consider me a part of His plan but He does. So amazing. I am blessed and loved.
Jaelle the Weak